Our Life Without TV

Hello. My name is Allison and I'm a recovering TV addict. This is my story. I grew up in the eighties. It was a time of family sitcoms, an MTV that played actual music videos, and fabulously dishy serial night-time...
Do you march in place until your tracker reaches 10,000 steps? Do you plan your workouts around how to get the most steps? Do you get really upset when you exercise but forget to put on your tracker? You may...
Recently I did a “Takeover Tuesday” on the FCMB Instagram. One of my pictures got more “likes” and comments than any other. It wasn’t a picture of the kids or some great meal that I was preparing. No, it...
For a reeeeeally long I was afraid to admit that my children watch YouTube. Sure, it's damage control in the pediatrician's office while the nurses prep vaccines and it appeases grocery customers from hearing tantrums...but I mean more than...

26 Days of Kindness

As a mama in a world that seems to be full of brokenness and despair, I often worry about sending my babies out there without me being able to protect them. I know I can't hold their hands forever, but what I can...
I have a hard time watching the news and following trending news feeds. Racism on college campuses, terrorist acts in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, child refugees. It seems like good news items are few and...

Pacifiers and Sleep

Does your little one fall asleep with a pacifier in their mouth and wake up when it falls out? If you put it back in quickly, do they go right back to sleep? If it’s only happening a few times...
Okay okay, I am going to admit that the football part of this date wasn't exactly me watching football for several hours, BUT it did involve me sitting with hubby on the couch while he did. Please allow me...
pie party

How to Host a Pie Party

Two things you should know about me: I love parties, and I love pie. This year I decided to combine my two loves into one fun holiday event: A Pie Party! The holidays should be fun, right? I don’t know...
I know, I know. I have been living under a rock (or crock!) for a while now. I had a crock pot years ago, bought a cook book, and returned it all because I couldn't find a recipe I liked. Maybe...

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In + Around Fairfield County

A Guide to Beauty & Pampering in Fairfield County

We claim to know how important self-care is, yet we often neglect ourselves. Book that appointment! Go and get those highlights you've been wanting....
Women shopping on a girls' day out.

Girls’ Day Out