There’s no question in my mind that I love my daughter, spending time with her, and enjoying the privilege of staying home with her. However, mommy-ing (yes, I just made that up) is a full-time, 24/7 job with pretty crappy sick leave and poor lunch hours. Sometimes, moms need a break.
Before you start saying that you “don’t have time,” or you “can’t trust anyone,” or “what kind of a mom leaves their child with a babysitter?” I’m not suggesting abandoning your precious bundle for a month-long reprieve in Hawaii, just an hour or two to catch your breath, put on some lipstick, and wear a shirt without stains. You can do this!
Why you need this.
As if my reasons above aren’t enough (aren’t you tired of spit-up-stained clothing?), I believe that an hour or so of time to myself does wonders for just about everything in my life. I don’t mean the “free time” I have during my daughter’s nap while folding laundry, washing lunch dishes, and scrubbing the avocado off the wall. I mean actual free time to read a book, talk on the phone, get a manicure, or even work out!
After an hour out of my home, I feel like I have a second wind and can tackle just about anything. I have found that even the smallest bit of time to myself is a real lifesaver and works wonders for my mental health. It’s even better when I can get together with some close friends and enjoy some free time with them.
What should you do?
You might want to start slowly if you haven’t left your child alone with hubby. If you’re a little scared, get in your car and ask Dad to watch your child for 15 minutes, go to the nearest Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks, and order a coffee. Sit and sip it for the next ten minutes without interruption. You’re welcome.
If you are ready for something a little braver, take a trip to the nail salon and get a mani/pedi. Have a little more faith in your significant other? How about a brunch or lunch with a friend? You might even try a shopping trip for yourself, and yes, it’s okay if you buy something for the baby, too! Ready for a babysitter? Go out with hubby for a quick dinner or to see a movie. You will be so glad you did.
What are the benefits?
Three weeks after I had my daughter, I braved the outdoors for my first solo trip since she had been born. As I headed to the nail salon, I felt like the worst mother in the world. Who on Earth leaves their 3-week-old to get a manicure? Apparently, me. It was the most wonderful hour of my life after I pushed through all the guilt. When I returned, I felt like I had been rejuvenated and was even happier to see my daughter sleeping peacefully in her father’s arms.
A little bit of free time goes a long way! After getting out and about, I usually feel refreshed and attack my never-ending to-do list with renewed energy. Call me crazy, but I definitely find that my marriage does a lot better when both parents have some downtime. We each learn to appreciate the other’s effort so much more, and when we return from our free time, we are that much more calm and relaxed with one another. Happy parents make for happy kids!
As a mom, I believe it’s important to take care of ourselves to the best of our ability. Without proper mental and physical rest, we become cranky, overwhelmed, and exhausted. When mom takes a break, everybody reaps the benefits. It’s the best gift you can give your family!