One Morning with Julie {A Photo Essay Series}


 “One Morning” is a photo essay series that provides a sneak peek into the everyday lives of the Fairfield County Moms Blog contributors. The morning routine is photographed by N. Lalor Photography, and words are written by each mom to tell the story behind the images. It’s a rare and intimate look into each family’s life, one morning at a time.

I love getting up early, but I haven’t always. Since becoming a mom, the wee hours of the morning are often some of the only moments I have to myself. This morning, I had done some speed training with the local running club and showered – all before 7 a.m.- my favorite way to start any day!

My older son (almost 4 1/2) has only recently gotten into the habit of entertaining himself when he awakes, which has benefits and disadvantages. The benefit is that my husband doesn’t get mad at me for sneaking out to the gym at 5 a.m. The downside is that we aren’t sure when he gets up some days! (We just purchased an “Okay to Wake” clock, which has helped.)

nlalor-photography-2015-07-16-one-morning-julie-porter-9Some mornings, our big kid wants nothing to do with his little brother and prefers to play LEGOs. On other days, he is eager to begin their circus duo. They’ve gotten pretty close to breaking the crib they’ve both used, but they have a grand old time jumping together.nlalor-photography-2015-07-16-one-morning-julie-porter-2Once we offer to pick the baby up, he asks to “see, see, see?” out his window. He checks on the garden. I assume that he assesses the weather and turns to tell me, “Nowoochu.” (No woodchuck. There are two living under our shed that we sometimes see wandering through the yard.)nlalor-photography-2015-07-16-one-morning-julie-porter-4Then, the real dance begins. My husband usually puts away clean dishes while I start to make breakfast, hand the baby a bottle, and pack snacks/lunches for the day. As a teacher, I know our mornings are not nearly as chaotic now as they were from September to June. I’m enjoying taking a bit more relaxed approach to 6:00-8:06:00–8:00 a.m. I love French toast, muffins, pancakes, or oatmeal, always with a heaping side of fruit. I wish it were as simple as a bowl of cereal sometimes! While I’m cooking, I try to make double or triple portions to store in the freezer for an extra busy day or a morning when I’m out on a log run, and Daddy is solo. 
Our favorite thing to do during meals this summer is play cards. Yes, that’s right. We play cards. (Post about this coming soon!) It’s my ploy to avoid watching TV and to encourage my oldest to eat. He’s a snacker/grazer by nature, so meals are sometimes a battle. Every so often, the baby cheers, “Oh no!” or “Yay,” wanting so desperately to participate. Soon enough… 
nlalor-photography-2015-07-16-one-morning-julie-porter-14Once the baby is “ahdun” (all done) with his breakfast, he usually begins feeding the dog, who has been begging since we sat down. She sometimes gets banished to the other room (or outside) while we eat, especially if it’s Sunday and we are having chocolate chip pancakes.
nlalor-photography-2015-07-16-one-morning-julie-porter-18I try to limit screen time during the day, especially during the summer. However, someone will inevitably find and unplug the iPad while I try to get both boys dressed, their bags packed, and out the door.
nlalor-photography-2015-07-16-one-morning-julie-porter-42If we have extra time and it’s a nice day, we head outside for a few minutes of fresh air. This is exactly why we moved a bit farther north in Fairfield County. A fenced-in backyard for the dog, plenty of running room for my very active boys, and space for a vegetable garden (waiting on those green beans…). nlalor-photography-2015-07-16-one-morning-julie-porter-37This morning, I was heading to drop off my big boy at camp before hiking through a local state park with the baby and fur baby. My husband worked from home, so he helped us to the car with our many bags before saying goodbye and heading upstairs for a conference call. I’m very thankful for the mornings he is home to be an extra set of hands.


Sometimes, the days go slowly, but the years pass quickly. I’m just trying to balance chaos and enjoying the wonders of childhood.

Images for this project are captured by N. Lalor Photography, a lifestyle portrait photographer based in Fairfield County, CT. View all posts in the “One Morning” photo essay series here.

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Julie P
Julie is a full-time 5th grade teacher, full-time mommy, part-time runner and resident of Ridgefield! Originally from Colorado, she grew up in SW Fairfield County and got married in 2008. They spent a few years south of the Mason-Dixon, got a dog, and returned to CT to raise their family. A former collegiate tennis player, she loves staying active and finding ways to get outside with her two boys (Oliver - February 2011 and Miles - October 2013). When she's not grading papers, playing racecars, or training for a race, Julie is trying to cook healthy meals for her (picky) family, keep their golden retriever out of trouble, take photos, stay organized and save some money to buy a fixer-upper.


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