Tag: activities

LuCk {Simple Summer Fun}

I start off each summer with a laundry list of things (other than laundry) that I'd like to do with my child. I mean,...

All Signs Indicate That Kids Were Here :: A Fun Photography...

If you have read some of my other posts, you know that I love taking photographs and that I especially love photographing and documenting...

Affirmations for Mom and How They Work

Sure, I’ve been a believer in  affirmations for some time and use them to stay positive and focus my mind on my goals. To “affirm” something,...

One, Dos, Trois :: Fun Foreign Language Books for Kids

Learning a foreign language is always on my “List” (you know those lists…things I would do if I had more time, things I wish...

LuCk Play-Dough Bar

If you are familiar with LuCk, then you know we are a little bit in love with play-dough. Creating this Play-Dough Bar was a...

Kids in the Kitchen: Make Dinner & Teach Math, Reading, and...

I have distinct memories of whenever my mother baked or cooked during my childhood always having a chair pulled over to the end of...

Let’s Love on Legos

Let's love on Legos (or any other brand of building blocks). For just a moment. Because they're awesome for so many reasons. Granted, my kitchen...

There’s an App for…Your Toddler: Some Favorite Kid-Friendly Apps

Stuck on a long flight with a restless toddler?...There's an app for that! Waiting in a never-ending line and you forgot to stock the diaper bag...

Teaching my Toddler: ABC, 123, Colors, and Shapes

Since we have yet to enroll my 2 year old daughter, L, in a pre-school program, learning at home is a top priority. Over...

Our Family Spring Bucket List

While we are now smack dab in the midst of winter with a new snow storm every week, I've been dreaming about springtime and being...