Tag: baby

35 Weeks and 4 Days

35 and 4. That’s what my doctor told me to tell them at the desk when I got to the hospital. I was 35...

What’s a Sleep Consultant?

What’s a sleep consultant? Simple, I help little ones learn to sleep. It seems like a funny thing to say, “learn to sleep,” but that is...

Dear Second Born {What You Taught Me}

Dear Second Born, Almost 5 years ago, when I was 8-months pregnant with you, I wrote this heartfelt letter to your sister. I told her...

Say Goodbye to the Baby Clothes

I’m not a very organized person. I’ll say that right off the bat. With our busy lives and packed schedules, I’m often flying by...

Child Not Sleeping? 10 Things Sleep Deprived Parent’s Friends and Family...

Because I spend so much time with sleep deprived parents (and because I used to be one myself), I’m all too familiar with the...

Nip Tips: Breastfeeding Hacks for Tired Mamas

Breastfeeding: it is billed as the most natural, beautiful function of a mother's body. If breast is best, you would think that it would...

Congratulations, You’ve Had a Baby! Now What?

I remember so clearly being pushed in the wheelchair while my husband carried our tiny, less than 6-pound first-born daughter down to the car...

The Best Baby Gifts (We Never Asked For)

A few years ago, like many (type A) first-time moms, I created a baby registry of carefully selected, must-have baby items. Our list was...

Naps by Age – How Many, How Often, How Long?

Are you struggling to find a nap schedule that works for your child? If so, it's not surprising. Children's sleep needs are constantly changing...

A Letter To My Dog Upon Baby’s Arrival

Dear Dog, I know you know what's coming. We've been through this once before. Before the arrival of my son, you were my baby. You...