Tag: children

Mama’s Anxiety Yoga Cure

We all experience anxiety, especially during life’s challenges, and yoga can help ease anxiety big-time and start you on the track to feeling more like...

Little Pea

There is something special about a well-worn children’s book. Tonight, my youngest daughter chose one of these for me to read to her and...

One, Dos, Trois :: Fun Foreign Language Books for Kids

Learning a foreign language is always on my “List” (you know those lists…things I would do if I had more time, things I wish...

Perks of Being an “Older Mom”

I remember the day my students asked me, "Are you EVER going to have a kid? No offense, but aren't you like 30?" I...

Fostering a Love for Reading: A Mom’s Guide

As both an educator and a mom, I am always thinking about learning. I taught for many years in the public school system in...

Say What? What Parenting Has Made Us Say

I've caught myself saying some of the most absurd things since having a child, and I know I'm not alone. I doubt there is...

Mother Earth Mama: Tips and Tricks for Reducing Your Impact

I have always been environmentally conscious and concerned with what my impact was doing to the larger world. As a kid, I collected aluminum...

There’s an App for…Your Toddler: Some Favorite Kid-Friendly Apps

Stuck on a long flight with a restless toddler?...There's an app for that! Waiting in a never-ending line and you forgot to stock the diaper bag...

Don’t be That Mom! A Guide to Keeping your Non-Mom Friends

You didn't mean to. It just happened. You got all wrapped up in this crazy thing called motherhood and you forgot that there are...

The lessons to be learned from the movie “Frozen”

I once wrote a post  about my issues with what princesses represent. THIS post, however, is about me eating my words – well, nibbling...