Tag: milestones

The Only Mom Advice I Ever Really Needed to Hear

While pregnant with my daughter, I received plenty of well-meaning advice from veteran moms. Now that I'm pregnant with my second, I'm revisiting some...

When Puberty Arrives Early: A Mom’s Guide to Honest Conversations

As a mom to a competitive dancer, I’ve come to admire my daughter’s resilience and comfort in situations that I, even as an adult,...

Double Digits

My oldest just turned ten—double digits! What is it about that extra digit that seems so monumental? We spend the majority of our lives...

From Grandmother’s House We Grow

I can’t believe my oldest is going into Pre-K 3. It’s literally like I’ve blinked my eyes, and here we are! Like most parents,...

Beyond the Bathtub Corner

This picture doesn’t look like much—a corner of a standard-looking bathtub. There’s nothing artistic about the shot, so why would the writer insist on such...

If They Could Just Stay Little

And the seasons they go round and round, and the painted ponies goes up and down. We're captive on the carousel of time. We...

Our Cellphone Saga

My daughter has been asking for a cellphone since the 4th or 5th grade. Some of her friends had them, not a lot, but...

To the One Stuck in the Middle, You Had a Great...

For the past month, almost every conversation in our household has centered on a graduation. What our youngest is wearing to her preschool moving...

Graduation, A Poem To My Child

My child, Each life milestone evokes rejoice, For you, for me. Connected spirits. Every accomplishment highlights your growth, For time allows seeds to bloom into flowers. The heartaches and...

My Favorite Milestones So Far

Now that my son is 18 months old, we’ve had our share of the classic milestones. The first time rolling over, first tooth, first...