You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Until They’re Grown


A toddler holding her newborn sister. I’m a single mother by choice to two darling little girls. Both were born on the same date in March, exactly two years apart. During my time at home, I have been reflecting on some of those newborn-ish things that, like many life stages, are fleeting.

My youngest is two months old, and here are five (of many) things I missed about the “newborn” stage.

1. Middle of the night wakings.

I know what you’re thinking, is she serious? And, oddly enough, I am. There’s something so special about a late-night wake-up call. Maybe it’s the belief that all the world is sleeping, and it’s just me and my squishy little one getting to know one another. In these moments, I learn more about who she is becoming.

2. All the baby reflexes.

I love watching the development that takes place as little ones grow. Part of this growth involves several reflexes that are outgrown by 12 months of age. I mean, the “fencing pose.” Too cute!

3. Doing “nothing.”

Is there ever another time in our lives as women when doing nothing is everything? I can sit for hours on end, just snuggling my little one and enjoying the great outdoors with my toddler. It’s all about presence; these are the moment when I feel most grounded and truly alive.

4. The first of the “firsts.”

It starts with their first poo in the hospital, and quite obviously, it gets better! There is nothing like the moment your baby smiles at you for the first time. Truly magical. This leads me to…

5. Celebrating EVERYTHING!

When you have a new little one around, everything they do is cause for celebration. Did they sneeze? Yawn, twice in a row? AMAZING. I still celebrate often with my toddler; it’s just a more low-key experience since she’s miss independent. But, baby girl doesn’t mind constant praise for just existing. I think she thrives on it.

Motherhood is challenging in different ways during different stages. I constantly try to remind myself to take it all in because you truly don’t know what you’ve got until they’re grown!


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