Tag: mommy problems

A Constant State of Chaos

I’ve succumbed to the fact that my life is a constant state of chaos.  My house. It’s a fixer-upper built in 1940 for a family who...

My Children’s Sleep Schedule Dictates My Life

I was never going to be "that" mom. The mom that left parties, events, or social gatherings due to my child's nap schedule.  Spoiler alert:...

The Daycare Sickness Battle

We are struggling.  There is no simpler way to put it. Why? My kids are sick constantly. I am not talking once a month. I...

The Rock Bottom of Modern Day Motherhood

These days, more than ever before, we hear about the challenges of motherhood. And with good reason. There’s a seemingly endless list of obstacles...

Career Guilt and the Dreaded Question: “What Do You Do?”

I wish I were a dentist. Imagine this conversation, if you will: New Acquaintance: What do you do? Me: I’m a dentist New Acquaintance: Cool. Dentists have it so...

I Want My Life to Be Perfect…And It’s Making Me Miserable

I want my life to be perfect. I want my children to be happy, confident, and living up to their best potentials. I want everyone...

Is It Ok to Be “Good Enough?”

Lately, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by the stuff of life. I feel like every area of my life needs improvement. I should be learning...

I Lost My Sparkle

Recently I took a weekend away from my family to spend time with two of my sorority sisters. As I traveled into the city...

The Hard Truth Behind “You are going to miss these days!”

How many times have you been in line at Target with one child throwing a class A tantrum? The ones where they go boneless...

Work Goals

Sometimes I don’t like talking about it. But let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about women and our careers, and I’ll start with me. I...