Tag: mommy problems

I Lost My Sparkle

Recently I took a weekend away from my family to spend time with two of my sorority sisters. As I traveled into the city...

The Hard Truth Behind “You are going to miss these days!”

How many times have you been in line at Target with one child throwing a class A tantrum? The ones where they go boneless...

Work Goals

Sometimes I don’t like talking about it. But let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about women and our careers, and I’ll start with me. I...

Am I Screwing Up This Parenting Thing?

Am I The One To Blame? I'm lucky enough to have two happy and healthy children. I'm also lucky enough to be the one who...

Why I Try Not To Judge

My truth? I’m too busy thinking I’m busy. I make mistakes daily, worrying if my child will be ok. There are piles of laundry to be...

I Hate Halloween

I HATE HALLOWEEN. There, I said it. In fact, I always have. When I was younger, as a child in the 80s, we mostly made...

What Happened To Me? (and other terrible questions)

What Happened to Me? We’ve all had that moment. Knee-deep in a baby blowout, changing the sheets for the third time, asking if this will...

Resisting the Premiere Sports Pressure

My oldest son has been playing recreational soccer since he was three years old. To say he loves soccer is an understatement. We joke...

Learning That Selfish is NOT a Bad Word

Thoughts that pop into my brain more times per week than I can count….”Ugh, I feel guilty.” “Am I being selfish?” “Shouldn’t I be...

Who Were You Mama?

Who were you mama? Before. Before you cleaned noses and made dinners and fixed boo-boos? Who are you in addition to being a mama?...