Tag: sleep

Is Your Child’s Snoring a Problem?

We all know adults that snore, but snoring in children is common, too. According to the National Sleep Association, most children snore occasionally, and...

The Great Baby Escape! (Ways to Keep Your Child Safely in...

Most of motherhood is exclaiming, “They are growing up too fast,” or “I’m not ready!” When my daughter jumped out of her crib at...

Dear Blankie {A Note to my Daughter’s Treasured Blanket}

  Dear Blankie, When I added you to my baby registry one rainy weekend morning, I had no idea the significance you'd bring to my life....

Bedtime Snacks That Promote Sleep

Did you know that certain bedtime snacks can promote better sleep? It's true - foods that contain tryptophan, an amino acid that has a sedative-like...

5 Things You Can Do Today To Improve Your Child’s Sleep

If you've started the new year with a resolution to improve your child's sleep, and you're not sure where to begin, here are five...

The Excuse Me Drill – Using Praise to Promote Independent Sleep

Does your child struggle to stay in bed after lights out? Do they get back out of bed, call out repeatedly or need you...

AAP Updated Safe Sleep Recommendations – A Must Read!

In an effort to reduce the risk of sleep–related infant deaths, The American Academy of Pediatrics recently updated their safe sleep recommendations for the...

The Quiet Hour: Taking Back Time

My oldest son has always been an early riser. He regularly wakes up between 5 and 6am. Still. Every day. He is 6-years-old. I...

Getting Sleep Back on Track After Summer Travel

Did your child’s sleep fall apart when you were traveling this summer? If so, you may be wondering why you ever even considered leaving...

Best Bedtime Excuses Ever

If you're the parent of a toddler or preschooler you’ve probably already heard many of the classic bedtime stalling excuses. “I’m thirsty,” and “I...