Tag: wellness

Toilet Paper Targets

Raise your hand if you’ve been stressed at all in the last 11 months? Now raise your hand if you’ve ever cried or felt helpless...

Getting Down and Dirty About Diapers

We were getting to the end of our monthly Amazon shipment of diapers when I ran over to CVS to grab a pack to...

Sleep Success in the Winter Months

Winter months in Fairfield County means spending a lot of time indoors! The lack of sunlight (AKA Vitamin D), freezing temps, snow, and long...

Facing My Fear Head-On

Fear has made my heart race and invaded my dreams because of a medical procedure I feared. My fear was to have an endoscopy...

Do What you Need to Fill Yourself Up

When you are pulled in a million directions. When you are trying to balance it all. When sticky hands are tugging at your shirt...

A Guide to Fitness, Health, & Wellness in Fairfield County

2021 is here, and we all have high hopes for the New Year! So, why not make this the year that you set yourself...

My Supplement Regime

Time and time again, I evaluate my supplement stock. Most of the time, this is in immediate relation to the changing seasons. We know...

Diabetes Awareness

As I stare at the massive bucket of candy collected from Halloween, my focus this month is a bit more serious. I have seen,...

Cold or COVID-19?

It was bound to happen sooner or later; both my twins sneezing, snotting, and running a 100-degree fever. We were three weeks into the...

What’s the Deal with CBD Anyway?

It’s a tale as old as time… Moms on edge! Mom can’t sleep because of all the anxious thoughts racing through her mind! I’m...