Grandparents are the best! When I recently asked my parents what it’s like to be a grandparent, my mom responded, “It’s the best thing in the world; you feel so much love that you could burst.” And my dad replied, “It’s like renting an expensive sports car for the day. You can drive it, have a blast, and then drop it back at the garage.”
That reason alone explains why grandparents are so much fun and refuse to follow any of Mommy and Daddy’s rules. Here are a few other things that only grandparents can get away with.
1. Only grandparents can get away with serving junk food all day.
Cookies for breakfast, why not? McDonald’s for lunch, sounds like fun! You don’t feel like eating your veggies with dinner, that’s okay. Eat some more french fries instead. Also, grandparents always seem to have unlimited amounts of juice and chocolate milk in the fridge and snacks’ hidden’ in plain sight.
2. Only grandparents can get away with buying toys, toys, and more toys!
These toys always seem to be the biggest, loudest toys ever made (and God forbid you ever try to get rid of any of them). The more kids I have, the more toys my parents buy. The toys have overtaken my house.
3. Only grandparents can get away with reading 15 books before bedtime instead of three.
Why is it so hard for them to say, “No.” Oh yeah, they aren’t sleeping over!
4. Only grandparents can get away with getting the kiddos all riled up and then leaving Mommy and Daddy to be the bad guys.
I can’t tell you how many times my mom has stopped over to drop off something “real quick,” and 45 minutes later, she’s blowing kisses goodbye as my kids race up and down the hallway screaming at the top of their lungs.
5. Only grandparents can get away with making running errands fun.
Unless I’m offering ice cream, my kids do not cooperate when I need to run into CVS or pick up the dry cleaning. However, when Grammy or Poppie need to get things done, going to the car wash or waiting in line at the DMV turns into exciting adventures (I’m about 98% sure ice cream may still be involved).
6. Only grandparents can get away with asking when you are planning on getting pregnant.
They love a growing family! My parents know my family is complete, so I feel bad for my sisters.
7. Only grandparents can get away with letting the little ones stay up way past bedtime.
Again, it’s probably because they are not sleeping over! A late-night dance party or movie always sounds fun, or they might still be reading books two hours later.
8. Only grandparents can get away with breaking all of Mommy and Daddy’s rules!
That’s what makes them so much fun! But who are we to question it all? They obviously did something right…they raised us! I hope that someday I can do the same!