Anything Your Elf Can Do Ours Can’t Do Better


Kids decorating a Christmas tree. It’s that time for every social media family to start posting their Elf on the Shelf photos. Whether it’s a trend or a magical childhood experience, I don’t know. Whatever it is, I wouldn’t say I like it.

First of all, I wouldn’t say I like dolls. I don’t care how cuddly and cute other people think they are; they’re creepy, and no thank you. Secondly, I can hardly remember to do basic tasks, like taking the laundry out of the dryer or putting away our socks. Yet, I’m supposed to move a stuffed elf to a new location in our home for 25+ days in a row? Yeah, right.

Not to mention, moving the elf has become like a secret competition for moms on social media. Did your elf sip from a leftover margarita? Scale your white kitchen counters? Or tie itself to your pet? I’ve seen some things, but nothing beats these elf pictures. And heaven forbid your kids catch you touching the little guy. That would be the end of holiday cheer! So much pressure.

In our home, there is no Elf. No daily task to remember, no tiny stuffed figure lurking out of the corner of my eye, and no chance of ruining the Christmas magic. Well, very little chance.

Will my perspective on this ever change? I’m not sure. I’m big on recognizing the meaning of Christmas. I don’t tell my children that “Santa is watching” or shame them into behaving differently for gifts—that’s not my thing. We still celebrate the beauty of the season, spend time together baking, creating decorations, and searching for light displays. We enjoy holiday films, visits with the Bass Pro Santa (the best!), and all the other holiday traditions. But the little elf? I just can’t.

At Grammy’s house, on the other hand… well, that’s another elf’n story (see what I did there)?

Do you have an Elf on the Shelf? Why? Why not (my people)?

Also, please don’t be offended by this! It’s all in good fun. We love and accept all humans—even if they have a magical Christmas elf. 


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