Aunt Flo Goes Green


menstrual cupOnce upon a time, I lived in a world with sewers, where tampon waste was flushed away in the toilet. I now live in a home with a septic system which is a strict no flush zone. When you are throwing away your period waste it is easy to see how it builds up.

So in 2019 after being a devout tampon user I made the switch to a menstrual cup. Aunt Flo officially went green!

Do I love the menstrual cup? The answer is yes, on some days. The startup was a lot to get used to. I was in very close contact with my lady bits during that time of the month, and it could be straight-up messy. Emptying the cup in a public restroom seemed unsanitary and way too personal to be doing in a stall. Leakage during exercise is still something I have yet to remedy.

What do I love about it? With time and experience, it has become a very natural task. The cup can be worn safely for up to 12 hours, so on a medium or light flow day, I can “set it and forget it.” It is comfortable and cuts back on the number of times I would normally change a tampon.

I have recently added absorbent underwear to my monthly green routine. I was gifted a pair of Thinx after a friend raved about them, and now I have my own collection. They come in various absorbencies and are actually really pretty. One glance, and you would never know their purpose was to collect menstrual blood.

I have not had to purchase more than a box or two of tampons and panty liners between the cup and the underwear in the past three years. I’m no environmental crusader, just a mom who wants to cut back on waste.

Here are some other ways I’ve cut back on household waste:

What have you done to cut back on paper or plastic waste at home?

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Jamie is a mom to a daughter (2014) and boy/girl twins (2016). She was born and raised in Westchester County, NY and together with her husband (married in 2011), made Danbury, CT their hometown. Jamie is a real estate agent with Coldwell Banker Realty. In the present day, more than ever before, “home” is an essential and safe place in an ever-changing world. Helping clients achieve their homeownership goals, searching for the home that’s “just right,” or helping them move on from a home that no longer serves them drives Jamie in her real estate career. Home for Jamie is Northern Fairfield County, and she never gets tired of spending time in the community with her family, visiting her favorite parks, and exploring local shops and restaurants. Jamie can be found on the Peloton leaderboard at 6:30 every morning, which fuels her long days of work and momming. Morning workouts are as athletic as she gets, and her favorite thing is tucking her children in at night and catching up on whatever show she is streaming. As much as she loves staying in, she doesn’t pass up a night out with her childhood girlfriends or a date night with her hubby. 


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