Spring Tips For Your Lawn


A spring lawnSpring is in the air, and we couldn’t be more delighted for warmer days ahead. As the lengths of day increase and temperatures rise, the dormant appearance of our lawns will transfer.

Lawn maintenance companies will be busy repairing areas of snow mold damage and fertilizing shrubs to provide adequate nutrients, stimulate growth, promote root development, and improve resistance to stress. Horticultural or dormant oil sprays are applied when the shrubs are still dormant or just beginning to break dormancy, usually before new growth emerges. This timing is crucial because it helps smother and kill insect pests such as scales, mites, aphids, and certain insect eggs before they become active and start feeding on plants. 

As a mom of two school-aged children and two adventurous dogs who play outdoors often, protecting our property from pests is my priority.

With warm weather approaching, ticks are becoming more prevalent in our yards. We received our first tick spray on the yard’s perimeter in March. Our focus is primarily on targeted areas, such as the border between the lawn and wooded regions, around tree bases, on shrubbery, and in proximity to patios and outdoor structures.

Tick sprays often contain an active ingredient in the pyrethrin family derived from chrysanthemum flowers. Pyrethrins are natural insecticides effective against various pests, including ticks. To protect your property, you should discuss with your licensed lawn care management or pest company the benefits of organic versus synthetic options to best suit your family’s needs.  

Aside from having your property routinely sprayed throughout the year, implementing a few preventative strategies can reduce the risk of tick-borne illnesses. Landscaping to create a less hospitable environment for ticks can help reduce their populations. This includes keeping grass mowed short, to about three inches, but not too short to weaken the grass and increase susceptibility to pests and diseases. Female ticks typically lay a few hundred to 3,000 eggs each batch in protected areas near the ground, such as leaf litter. It is imperative to remove any leaf litter or brush on your property.  

Another property maintenance goal should be to prune trees and shrubs to increase sunlight and airflow, which can help dry out moist areas where ticks tend to thrive.

In addition, consider creating barriers between wooded areas and recreational areas to keep animals outside your tick-safe zone. 

The peak activity of a black-legged tick, the primary carrier of Lyme disease, usually occurs from May through July. During this time, nymphal ticks are most active and responsible for a significant portion of Lyme disease transmission due to their small size and difficulty in detection. With this in mind, be aware that ticks are typically active from April to September and do not die off in winter.  

Remember that the simple practices of wearing protective clothing, using body tick repellents, performing regular tick checks, and keeping pets treated with tick preventatives will help reduce the risk of tick encounters.

Guest contributor - AbbieAbbie is a multifaceted individual with a passion for diverse pursuits. Raised in a family with deep ties to the lawn care industry at Smiths Lawn LLP, she cultivated a robust work ethic and passion for fostering lush green environments. Beyond helping neighbors cultivate vibrant green lawns, you will find Abbie hosting “The Disney Hour Express” podcast, engaging in insightful conversations with her husband, Rob, and co-owner of their travel agency, Family Travel Planner. She is a champion for the rights and well-being of women facing domestic violence. She extends her passion for writing to raise funds for non-profit organizations benefiting Fairfield County families in need.


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