My son just turned the big two. To celebrate, we hosted a Sesame Street themed party in our backyard. One of the things I love most about planning birthday parties for my children is getting wrapped up in whatever...
Planting a seed.

Starting From Seed

Mother's Day is only two months away which is exciting for more than one reason. First, we get a day where we are celebrated, second, it means spring is very nearly here, and third, eight weeks before Mother's Day...
For those of you who know compass points in regard to personalities, I recently admitted that I’m a “west.”  That means I like to pay attention to details and know everything before I act. It also means I like...
A kitchen cubby.

A Kitchen Cubby

As I mentioned in a previous post, we are currently sanding, priming, and painting our kitchen cabinets.  I'm happy to report they are looking fantastic and I love how bright our kitchen looks now!  Unfortunately, two adults with full-time jobs and...
  I don't know about you, but I used to be a secret magazine hoarder. Now, I'm a proud pinner on Pinterest, who actually tries probably 20% of the recipes I pin and makes an equal percentage of crafts with...
Hello Mommies! I hope you're staying warm in this brutal cold. I have to admit that I like to believe I hate the cold, but I secretly love that it means cozy clothes and blankets, staying indoors without guilt,...
Organizing a closet drawers.

My Secret (Organizing) Shame

I admit it.  I have a secret shame when it comes to organizing. The filing cabinet. Why, oh why, is it so difficult for me to maintain this one area of our household?  It is only paper, for goodness sake, and...
If you've never done a DIY project with your significant other, I'm sure the title of this post seems over-exaggerated and made you laugh. If you have, you may have let out a sarcastic "Ha!" and muttered "For real"...
I am always on a constant quest for new ways to eliminate products from my life. I'm a huge fan of having a few basic ingredients around the house that are all-purpose, inexpensive, and environmentally-friendly. This started about two...
If you have a young child between the ages of 3 and 10, chances are you spend practically every other weekend at a birthday party. The birthday parties of today are a tad more spectacular than the McDonald Land...

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In + Around Fairfield County

Things to Do in New York City With Kids (Other Than...

New York City with kids can be fun! NYC boasts a bundle of fun indoor and outdoor activities for kids of all ages. Less...
Women shopping on a girls' day out.

Girls’ Day Out