Parenting Wisdom

Parent holding child's hand- parenting wisdom- Fairfield County Mom

In a perfect world, parenting would have a guide for every situation. So, without a parenting handbook, what’s a parent to do? Welcome to Fairfield County Mom! Our team consists of over 30 contributors with diverse backgrounds and family dynamics, sharing a wealth of experiences and parenting wisdom.

Parenting wisdom is often gained through experience, but it can also be shared. At Fairfield County Mom, we value the uniqueness of every child. Qualities like patience, empathy, and active listening are crucial for parents, along with setting boundaries and routines. Perfect parenting is a myth; it’s the simple, everyday moments that truly matter. Parenting wisdom lies in adapting and growing alongside your child, guiding them with love and resilience through each development stage. This wisdom shapes the child’s journey and enriches the parent’s path.

Fairfield County Mom provides parenting wisdom for all stages of motherhood, sharing tales of daily life and the joys and challenges of motherhood. We talk about the household and how to budgeting can help your marriage. We offer advice on bedtime routines and sibling room sharing tips. We also tackle difficult topics like helping children cope with grief and advice for navigating divorce.

Parenting in Fairfield County presents unique challenges and rewards. As a mother in this area, we nurture our children in a region known for its beautiful landscapes, rich cultural scene, and tight-knit community. Fairfield County fosters a supportive environment that encourages togetherness and strength. Whether you seek advice or parental wisdom, Fairfield County Mom is here to support you on your parenting journey.

Playing Around With LuCk

Summer is officially here and that means it’s time to start soaking up that summer fun! The kiddos are home from school, it’s super hot outside and the days are so much longer. That’s why Fairfield County Moms Blog...
Ice cream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! We try not to keep ice cream in the house, because I am not naming names, but some of us have issues with will power. In an effort to...
  I recently returned to work after a six month maternity leave. I was fortunate to have had so much time off to bond with my son and adjust to life as a family of three. Despite my best efforts to stay present...
  A few weeks ago I threw a murder mystery party to celebrate my belated 40th birthday. We all had such a blast, so I thought I'd share how to do it for yourself. 1. Know how the games work. Most...
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for...
Summer is officially here and that means it’s time to start soaking up that summer fun! The kiddos are home from school, it’s super hot outside and the days are so much longer. That’s why Fairfield County Moms Blog...
On Fridays, we stay home. It's Family Movie Night. Everyone knows that. We have pizza from Colony, two kinds of candy (daddy's pick) and everyone cuddles on the couch with the dogs. During the week we talk about what movie we're going...
Have you wanted to try barre-style fitness classes but don't know where to go? Do you wonder what that type of workout would be like? Are you afraid you won't be able to do it? If you're like me,...
summer reading

Summer Reading for Moms

Summer means a little bit more time to relax from the hustle and bustle of the school year schedule. Maybe you allow your kids to stay up a bit later, play outside after bath time or swim at the...

A Mother’s Reach….

A little over four years ago, I received a Facebook message from a friend who I had gone to high school with. We had chatted a few times in the years since graduation. She suggested that I look into...

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In + Around Fairfield County

Things to Do in New York City With Kids (Other Than...

New York City with kids can be fun! NYC boasts a bundle of fun indoor and outdoor activities for kids of all ages. Less...
Women shopping on a girls' day out.

Girls’ Day Out