New Year, New You :: Yoga Poses for Renewal


Have you been overdoing it a little this time of year? If your body could use some fine-tuning after the holiday rush, you can do more than just sipping green teas and juices (although this would help too!). Hop on your yoga mat and do these seven poses designed to detox/renew the body. These particular poses stimulate your circulatory, digestive and lymphatic systems so that they can better rid your body of toxins and waste. Pick out the poses your body needs or practice them all and you’re on your way to a renewed you in the new year.

Here is fast and effective 10-minute Yoga for detox sequence for firming up, de-bloating, resetting the metabolism and cleansing the inner body.

Please practice at least six rounds of breath in each pose and work to match the breath with the movement according to the directions. Keep your breath as deep and even as possible. Of course, get doctor clearance before starting a new practice or working with an injury, and practice mindfulness/full attention to the poses and transitions.

Cat/cow: On the hands and knees, create space between the vertebrate as you round the spine, drawing in the tailbone and chin, like a Halloween cat. Inhale as you compress the spine in a gentle backbend bringing your chest forward and allowing your belly to relax towards the ground. This is good for limbering up the spine and strengthening your core.


Down dog splits: In down dog, with the body like an inverted V-shape, with your seat in the air and chest reaching toward your thighs, heels reaching down and hands flat pressing back, make sure to keep your head relaxed. This is an inversion to bring a fresh blood supply to the brain while stretching/strengthening the core, shoulders, chest and legs. Inhale and raise your right leg, then exhale drawing it into your nose. With your knee bent, the other leg stays straight with your core muscles engaged. Repeat six times and then again on the other side.


Revolved lunge: Bring your right leg forward, separating your feet like train cars. Hug your belly to your spine while being careful to keep your bent knee facing straight forward with the knee over the ankle, but not past the toes. Exhale, take your hands together in front of the heart and lock your left elbow over your right knee. Keep your hips level, but twist on the exhalations, drawing your left under and right side skyward.


Bow pose: Lying face-down on the ground, bend your knees and reach the arms back along the sides. If your shoulders allow, reach back to hold your feet with all five fingers two inches under your toes, holding on the outside of the feet. Lift off the ground, keeping an even length in the spine, reaching forward with the crown of your head.


Child’s pose: Start on your knees and sit back over your ankles, relaxing your forehead toward the ground or a bolster. This is an excellent pose for digestion as it squeezes the belly, and a good low back release as it lengthens the spine. Arms can reach forward to stretch the shoulders.


As yoga is an experiential practice, explore how practicing it can help you stick to your resolutions, honor your intentions and help make for smoother transitions. Share your experiences in the comments below!


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Hi! I'm Jacqueline, the yoga mOM who loves sharing yoga with other moms (and everyone for that matter) and writing about it. I married the love of my life and we have two sons, now nine and 11, who are amazing on many levels. As a 14-year yoga & meditation teacher with five+ years of freelance writing experience in print and online, I am fascinated about how moms like us can find the right life balance in sharing our gifts and being there for our families. * To see my private and public class yoga schedule and professional information click here:


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