My Summer Sanity Saver


My Summer Sanity SaverEvery year I have such high hopes for summer! Day trips, hanging by the pool, long days at the beach, museums, park hopping, outdoor movies, my list can go on and on. But then reality quickly sinks in and I realize it’s HARD to do most of these things solo with my kids. With a super independent 5 year old and 3 year old twins who love to run wild, I prefer to have back-up when I go out…for safety reasons of course (and my own sanity). Hey, I’m the first to admit that I need help and I’m totally that mom who is overwhelmed.

Recently pure panic kicked in when I realized I had a FCMB play date (which I had been planning for the past 3 months!) and I had no one lined up to help! How was I supposed to take my 3 littles to a story time at Blue Star Bazaar AND mingle with readers and keep everything running smoothly? Not to mention make sure that my children did not destroy the shop! My mom and sisters were away on vaca, my nanny and babysitter had plans, my aunt had a doctor appointment… As I went through my list of usual suspects I realized I was in trouble!

While complaining to my sister – and trying to convince her to cancel her trip (yeah right!) – she got a snapchat from my cousin. You see my cousin was temporarily living with my Nana while transitioning to a new home. Her 11 year old daughter was driving her nuts! That’s when it hit me. SHE could help me!

So my 11 year old helper tagged along to our FCMB play date and she was a lifesaver! My kids actually listened to her. What!? Their ears actually work? She held hands, passed out snacks, facilitated a craft, and managed to keep my kiddos occupied so they didn’t end up wandering and destroying. We then went to the park and out to lunch. I tried to think of more things we could do because I didn’t want the day to end.

helperWhy hadn’t I thought of this sooner? I quickly booked her for the rest of the week and was sure to schedule her for future summer play dates and outings. She is making my summer dreams happen. We’ve been to story time at the library, picnicked at the park, spent the entire day at the beach, and so much more!

The best part about it is her mom gets a break, I get the help I desperately need, and my kids are happily entertained! AND I’m almost positive she is LOVING every minute of being mama’s little helper! It’s a win-win for everyone. There is much less yelling and fighting, and so much more laughing and sharing! Yeah, it’s actually possible for everyone to get along.IMG_1182

So what are you waiting for? Go and find yourself a mother’s helper! You won’t regret it! You’re welcome!

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Michelle is the Owner and Editor of Fairfield County Mom and Westchester County Mom. She has spent her entire life in Fairfield County, growing up in Norwalk and now residing in Fairfield, CT. Michelle married her husband, Chris, in October 2008. Before motherhood, she thought she was busy, but now life with her son Shane (March 2011), twins, Blake and Brynn (June 2013), Hank the Lab, and Bruce the Frenchie; the meaning of hectic has been redefined! Michelle is also a working mom, teaching third grade at a local public school. When she’s not making lists, chauffeuring the kids, and doing laundry, Michelle enjoys standing along the sidelines cheering on her kids, lounging with a good book, eating dark chocolate, and sipping on some tequila.


  1. Did you offer any sort of pay for her? I have an 11 year old that I think would do great at this. She’s not ready for babysitting alone but might could make a little extra this way!

    • Go for it! I did offer to pay her, but since her mother is my cousin, she wouldn’t accept any payment. But, I have given her a few gifts throughout the summer and I always treat her to whatever activity we do (as well as lots of ice cream dates!). She’s so sweet that all she really wants is to play with my kids!


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