Tag: featured slide

Have You Discovered Usborne Books Yet?

I have always loved books. After having kids, my passion for books and reading has become slightly more than an obsession. I have close...

CareBooker to the Rescue {Sponsored}

All moms are busy! Between taking care of the kids, the house, and everything in between, we have a million things going through our...

We’re Leaving On a Jet Plane: Toddler Edition

We just got home from our first official family vacation since our duo became a trio. It was such a great trip and I'm still...

Mobile Mechanic

Love your car? Hate setting up oil changes and other small jobs for it? Me too! Like most moms, the idea of trying to...

My Gym Play Date Recap

We had such a fun family play date yesterday at My Gym Fairfield!  The kiddos had a blast tumbling around the gym, singing songs, and...

The Art of Love {after almost a decade}

My husband and I have been married for 6 1/2 years, together for almost a decade. Since Valentine's Day is just around the corner, I've...

Say Cheese: 3 Tips to Taking Better Photos of Your...

I wrote in an earlier post that my appreciation of photography started at a young age, but my actual learning photography and how to...

Simple Activities to Save Your Sanity when Snowed In

As everyone was clearing grocery store shelves in preparation for the blizzard, I was fretting about something beyond survival.  If we were going to...

Come Play With Us {My Gym Play Date}

Join Fairfield County Moms Blog and My Gym, Fairfield for a special play date on Sunday February 15th at 10 am. We’ll roll and...

Call the babysitter…it’s time to go to Craft 260

I remember the days before I had children when my husband and I would go out to dinner at least 2-3 times each week....