Tag: health

Diary of a Nutritional Challenge

So it's a new year and a new you, right? As far as I'm concerned, I'll always be me, but hey, there's always room...

Dental Health Month {an interview with the Dr.}

February is Dental Health month, so we are celebrating through an informative interview with Dr. Carol Felder. She is a Norwalk-based family dentist and mom to two (adorable!)...

14 Products I Fell Back In Love With After Becoming A...

I’ve always had a passion for great (and reasonably-priced) beauty products that work really, really well. Believe me, they are hard to find. I...

Steps You Can Take To Help Prevent Birth Defects

I just reached the second trimester in my second pregnancy. While I’ve been down this road before, I find pregnancy still to be this...

20 Minute Fun and Fit Burpee Workout

A few weeks ago, I taught a burpee themed Stroller Strides class and we had such a great workout, I thought I would bring...

Raising an Introverted Child in an Extroverted World

By definition, I am an extrovert. I get energy through interactions with other people and outside stimulus. My husband is the complete opposite. If we go...

Getting up Early…How it Changed My Life

  When the new year begins, I always patiently sit down with my clean paper planner and get excited about all the possibilities for the...

Heart Centered Holidays: Yoga to Transform Emotionality

The holidays should be a time of joy, celebration, and connecting with loved ones, but navigating them can sometimes feel like an emotional roller-coaster...

Why I Still Go to Camp {in honor of World Aids...

On December 1 every year, we recognize World AIDS Day. Today I want to talk about an organization that is close to my heart. It...

Confessions :: Addiction

My husband and I had a few days off together this past week. As I sat drinking my coffee with him, I told him...