Tag: health

Top Five Yoga Poses for Expectant Mamas

Yoga is like parenting. This thought struck me the other night when I was subbing for a pre-natal class. At first, I was reminded...

From 0 to 60 (summer as a teacher mom)

Summer. Popsicles. Days at the beach. Running through sprinklers. Afternoon barbeques on the porch. Catching lightning bugs after dinner. These are all of the...

Mama’s Anxiety Yoga Cure

We all experience anxiety, especially during life’s challenges, and yoga can help ease anxiety big-time and start you on the track to feeling more like...

Snacks 101

I was THE babysitter growing up. It was what I did from the time I was 13 until after college! Being in and out...

Our Journey to Gluten-Free

“Your cooking must taste awful.” “You must eat, like, nothing.” “What IS gluten anyway?” “Well, what ARE you allowed to eat?” Celiac disease and gluten...

Affirmations for Mom and How They Work

Sure, I’ve been a believer in  affirmations for some time and use them to stay positive and focus my mind on my goals. To “affirm” something,...

Why we should ALL be concerned about breast cancer

Every 3-minutes in this country, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. Did you know that thousands of those women are under the age...

Restorative Yoga for Busy Moms

According to the Chopra Center, restorative yoga is a practice that leads one toward a more healing and recuperative experience. It offers a host...

Weight a Minute

I've always struggled with my weight/body image/confidence growing up. The LAST thing I want to show my son, and especially my daughter, is that you...

Learn to Love Morning Workouts

I bet that the last thing on your mind at the end of a long day is - "I can't wait to workout!" Any...