
Erin Daly lives in Trumbull with her husband, Konrad, their three children (born in 2015, 2016, and 2019), and a new puppy. While raising her children, Erin balanced a full-time job with attending law school at night, after earning her Ph.D. in organic chemistry. Now, both Erin and Konrad are intellectual property attorneys who enjoy spirited debates on law and science. In addition to managing their careers, Erin stays involved in her community, keeps up with her kids' busy schedules, and nurtures her love for reading in her free time.
A full thrift store.

Secrets of a Savvy Bargain Hunter: How to Find Hidden Gems

I’m a bargain hunter—a deal finder. I sniff them out like a bloodhound on the trail or one of those truffle-hunting pigs rooting through the dirt for hidden treasures. There’s something so satisfying about...
A mom comforting her daughter.

Teaching My Daughter That Kindness and Love Should Never Hurt

My daughter recently confided in me about a boy in her class who doesn’t like her and, in fact, is mean to her. She was incredibly upset because she strives to be a people-pleaser...
Kids looking out of the back of a minivan.

Farewell, Old Friend: An Elegy to Our Faithful (But Loathsome) Minivan

When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, I upgraded my sedan to an SUV. It was a practical decision. I had friends who resisted transitioning to a bigger vehicle when they...
A mother and daughter having the puberty talk.

When Puberty Arrives Early: A Mom’s Guide to Honest Conversations

As a mom to a competitive dancer, I’ve come to admire my daughter’s resilience and comfort in situations that I, even as an adult, find intimidating. She’s learned to change costumes in crowded dressing...
An open mailbox with mail.

Love, Life, and the Mailbox That Waited

My husband and I will be celebrating ten years of marriage—a milestone that marks a decade of growth, resilience, and memories built together. When I think back on all we’ve been through, it’s amazing...
A woman on the computer with her two daughters.

Why I Spend 80% of the Year Thinking About Summer Camps (and Maybe You...

When I tell people that I spend about 80% of the year researching summer camps for my kids, they look at me like I’m a little crazy. But hear me out. To secure a...
A family sitting together on a beach.

Escaping the Holiday Hustle: Our New Thanksgiving Tradition

This is the second year in a row we’re escaping for Thanksgiving—just the five of us (six if you count the dog). This time, we’re off to a resort near Lake George. Now, I...
A mom dancing with her son.

Uncovering the Signs: Our Path to Autism Testing for My Son

When my daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia a few years ago, it wasn’t a surprise. She had always struggled with reading, and nothing seemed to click despite our various interventions. But when my husband suggested...
A confident woman.

Breaking the Sorry Cycle: Reclaiming Confidence Without Apology

I am an over-apologizer. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid, and the more my anxiety builds, the more “I’m sorry” slips out. It’s probably one of the most annoying things about...
A poodle puppy.

Noodle the Poodle: Our Family’s Newest Adventure Begins

My son and daughter are turning 8 and 9 in just a few weeks, and this year, we’ve decided to give them something really special—a puppy! Of course, we’ll be getting them a few other...