Kate S.

Kate S.
Kate S. is a mom at home in Fairfield with her 4 kids (2 girls and 2 boys) and one puppy. Kate's sister introduced her to Chris, whom she married in 2010. They welcomed their first daughter in 2012, a son in 2014, another daughter in 2016, another boy in 2018, and finally a puppy in 2021. Kate and Chris's parenting motto would probably be, "Just take them with you." As a family, they continue to enjoy activities like skiing, kayaking, and hiking by taking turns to teach the older kids or strapping babies into backpacks. Kate can be found out and about exploring with her kids, volunteering at their schools, or laughing with other moms at the beautiful chaos of life with children.
A girl in the car holding a soccer ball.

Leaving Space in Our Schedule

This past fall was a learning curve for me and my middle schooler. Building her schedule at the beginning of the year felt like an all-you-could-eat buffet. Field hockey twice a week and on...
A woman sitting in the middle of a mess.

Our Beautiful Life is Found Inside the Mess

Living with children in the house brings on a seemingly endless cycle of chores. Each day feels like an unraveling of the work I did the day before. It is an endless battle against...
A boy and girl helping each other carry a basket of flowers.

Being Kind Is a Start, But It Isn’t Enough

At the start of the school year, we have so much hope for a successful year. We want kids to feel empowered, happy, and successful. We want them to feel important and included. We...
A mom slowing down and reading a book with her kids with a flashlight.

Having Kids Slows Us Down, But Maybe That’s the Point

It often feels like there are too many things to get done in a day and not enough time. We can live like life is one giant checklist, and each day is a chance...
A little girl sticking out her tongue.

Please Parent Your Kids (and Make Everyone’s Job Easier)

They say parenting is the hardest job you will ever sign up for. Right from the beginning, you are thrown into caring for someone around the clock, making difficult decisions, and establishing boundaries. You...
Siblings playing video games together.

How To Foster Sibling Love

Siblings fight. That’s just what they do. When put in close quarters, they fight for attention, to be heard at the dinner table, and to get their way. They argue over taking turns, sharing...
Children helping a mother clean up.

Small Habits That Can Make Our World Better

One of the many challenges of parenting is teaching our children how to help make the world a better place. The world and all the people in it need our care. Many problems feel...
A woman sitting on a couch in a messy house.

Moms Stop Apologizing for the Mess

Moms everywhere, please stop apologizing for the mess. Seriously. Stop yourself right now. First of all, we are on the same team here. I understand full well the uphill battle of trying to keep life...
Four siblings in coordinating outfits.

What It’s Really Like to Have Four Kids

Having a big family was something I knew I always wanted. My husband and I have been blessed with two girls and two boys. We even added in a dog for good luck. We...
A stay-at-home mom.

Kindergarten Empty Nest: “What are You Going to Do With All Your Free Time?”

When my youngest starts kindergarten this year, I’ll be home alone every day for the first time in over 11 years. After a pretty unstructured summer, with only a few camps scattered in, it...