Being a Mom Has Never Been Easy


A stressed mom drinking coffee while parenting. “I don’t envy you guys having to raise kids in the world today.” I’ve heard this more and more often as the news blasts the dangers of social media, gun violence, and divisive politics.

“It’s not easy growing up in times like these.”

There is, of course, truth to this. We are parenting in a world of cell phones and Snapchat, gun violence, senseless terrorist attacks, gender wars, and religious and racial division. There are no gamebooks, no quick fixes, or easy solutions. As we face new technologies like AI and social media, there’s not even an older and wiser generation we can look to for advice.

However, claiming that this is the most challenging time for a parent just wouldn’t be true.

Every generation has had its challenges. From centuries of infant and mother mortality to civil war and a mandatory draft, our country has arguably lived in times much worse than these.

I refuse to let the media perpetuate the myth that this is the worst time to be a parent. While we face many challenges, we also have more choices and knowledge than ever before.

So the next time someone tries to tell you that being a parent is harder than ever, smile and admit that it has always been so. Our love for our children in an unpredictable world makes parenting so hard.

Like generations before, we do the best we can, and we hold onto hope. We might not have the perfect answer, but we can strive with our children to improve the world.


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