“You look exactly like your mother!”
I have heard this sentiment for as long as I can remember. And until recently, this comment was met with denial and a grimace. I love my mom, but hearing at sixteen years old that I was her twin, was not something that I wanted to hear.
Growing up, my mom was firm but loving. I knew that if I did something wrong, all I had to do was make a joke or get her to crack a smile, and I was off the hook. I see this now as I am raising my girls. I have to cover my face or look away when I am trying to discipline them because though inappropriate at the dinner table, fart jokes are funny!
These days, being told I am like my mother is a compliment accepted with honor.
Finding my motherhood stride has allowed me to appreciate all of the sacrifices and things my mother did to make my childhood so memorable.
My mom always made our home welcoming to everyone that walked through the door. She’d get them a drink or something to eat the first time they came over but would quickly make guests feel comfortable enough to help themselves from there on out. I love hosting and having people at my house. I strive to create that same welcoming atmosphere and homey feeling that guests want to come back to again and again.
Both of my parents were extremely supportive of all events that I took part in growing up. They would divide and conquer to always have someone in the stands supporting my or my brother’s games and activities. My mom never came empty-handed, always with a much-needed snack or water bottle left behind. As I pack my mom-purse for my girl’s sports, theatre camp, or gymnastics, I am glad we can be just as supportive in all they want to try. And the snacks are always packed and plentiful to share with friends.
Throughout my teenage years, my mom could have those tough conversations without making them tough. She was not judgmental, overbearing, or asked too many questions. I never hesitated to go to her when something didn’t sit right with me or I needed to talk through my teenage angst.
She would often hear the latest gossip from my best friends because she was a sounding board to me and a trusted “second mom” to many of my girlfriends. Though my girls are still young, I hope to handle those same difficult conversations in the future with the grace, patience, and support that my mom did. (If I can’t, I may ship them to Grandma’s house and let her handle it.)
Now that my parents have their favorite job as grandparents, it’s magical to see how their parenting style has transformed.
As a grandmother, my mom shines! My kids get all the best parts of her as a mother and triple the fun as a grandmother.
I am proud to be becoming more and more like my mother, as crazy as she can drive me some days. I try to emulate her strength, kindness, and love for her family and friends in my daily life. These days, when someone says, “You are just like your mother,” I will hold my head up high because there is no one else I’d rather be like.