I think I'm having a love affair. Don't worry. My husband knows about it, and he's sometimes even supportive of it because it saves him money. No big confessions here - I'm in love with dollar stores. The Dollar...
Happiness is...a fresh, warm batch of lactation cookies. That is, if you make them right. Breastfeeding has its ups and downs, but being able to eat cookies for an actual reason...other than because you feel like it, is a mind-blowing...
When my son moved into his big boy room, I brought most of his nursery art with him, so he'd be surrounded by the familiarity of the art that comforted him or caught his interest as a baby. This...
The first day of Spring in New England is not quite what one might expect. There aren't many tulips, the sun may or may not be shining, and the temperature can hover right around freezing. While the snow continues to melt...
Tomorrow we will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! The day of rainbows, leprechauns, corned beef and cabbage and lots of beer...well at least for the grownups! If you are anything like me you are completely unprepared! It seems like every...
  There's almost nothing cuter than a 12-month old being allowed to attack a birthday cake. From frosting covered hands to sprinkles in thigh wrinkles or trying to shove an entire fistful of cake into a tiny mouth - it's...
If you had told me a year ago that the newest fad would be adult coloring, I would have laughed at you. I mean, really? Like so many critics of the movement, I would have called this activity childish...
Winter has officially settled in, and moms everywhere are looking for some new ideas to keep the kiddos engaged and off the electronics. Just a few weeks ago, my children and I found a great activity that accomplished just...
I have to admit that my daughter's closet wasn't always so organized. In fact, there were times when it became a "catch all" of just about everything she owned. Clutter and mess makes me pretty stressed out, but with...
I call my daughters "love bugs" a lot...So often that my three year old sometimes calls her baby sister "you little love bug!" So, in our house, this was a perfect theme for a Valentine's Day craft! I pre-made a...

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A Guide to Beauty & Pampering in Fairfield County

We claim to know how important self-care is, yet we often neglect ourselves. Book that appointment! Go and get those highlights you've been wanting....
Women shopping on a girls' day out.

Girls’ Day Out