It makes me sad that my daughter won’t remember these early years of her life. While I’ll certainly tell her stories of the things I do remember—her pooping in the tub on her first Christmas Eve and the time we...

Let’s Earn It!

I want that. I need that. Can I get that? I'm sure my kids are like every kid that when they see a commercial they NEED it. It was really getting to me when after every commercial or while we...
Growing up, I couldn’t wait to have my own room. Having my own room meant that I would be the queen of my own space. I would paint it my favorite color (blue) and put whatever posters I wanted...
This year my son is old enough to really get Halloween...and for that I'm scared. I'm not scared because I worry he will eat too much candy and get a stomachache or a cavity or two. No, my fear...
One of my most dreaded questions is: "What's for dinner?" It's a daily struggle for ALL parents. Just because I stay at home doesn't mean that I have time to actually cook. If I could reasonably put baby gates...
When I brought my daughter into the world, I was both joyful and terrified. You see, I'm a teacher. Having been around adolescent girls for most of my career, I know how vicious and hurtful the world of the...
These days, segments of our lives aren't captured in blocks of 24 exposures on a roll of film as they were when I was a child. They are more often captured in blocks of hundreds (or in my case, thousands) of...

While You Wait

I think our family was the most frequent visitor to the doctor this summer. Summer! Can you believe it? That is when we are supposed to be germ-free. Between the weekly baby checkups, the numerous illnesses that floated through...
When we moved from Queens to CT, I found a position closer to our new home and increased my salary. I became the sole breadwinner and the insurance holder. Unfortunately, within six months it was clear that the division...
I don’t know about you mama, but when my kids got whisked away on the bus for the first day of school, there was a sense of loss and elation followed by a deep exhale that felt like a...

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In + Around Fairfield County

Things to Do in New York City With Kids (Other Than...

New York City with kids can be fun! NYC boasts a bundle of fun indoor and outdoor activities for kids of all ages. Less...
Women shopping on a girls' day out.

Girls’ Day Out