Did you know that Mother's Day is a worldwide holiday that begin in 1908? It finally became an official holiday in the United States in 1914. This will be my fourth Mother's Day, and I can honestly say it's becoming...

Best Baby Gifts!

Springtime means cleaning, organizing, open windows, returning to the playgrounds as well as baby showers and birthday parties galore! After cold weather and hibernation have faded away, the birds and the bees have...well...gotten busy! Here are a few of...
Opening Day of baseball, barbecuing, pedicures, flip flops, freshly mowed grass, flowers blooming and allergy attacks! After a long and brutal winter, these are just some of the signs for me that Spring is finally here. It's amazing how much...
As both an educator and a mom, I am always thinking about learning. I taught for many years in the public school system in NYC and have seen lots of students lag behind in reading. In fact, most of...
  Spring weather always makes me want to organize and clean! With the 60+ degree weather of this past weekend, I got an organization bug. I had my eye on our sippy cup and toddler dishes cabinet in our kitchen....
All moms are busy! Between taking care of the kids, the house, and everything in between, we have a million things going through our mind each day. And, often times it seems as if the list of things to do...
According to the Chopra Center, restorative yoga is a practice that leads one toward a more healing and recuperative experience. It offers a host of wonderful benefits that are often overshadowed by the popularity and visibility of more dynamic...
Remember January? You know, when we were all full of resolve to become better, more polished people? I myself had a few hefty ambitions pulling me through my holiday splurging. My main goal, that of ridding my home of...
I have always been environmentally conscious and concerned with what my impact was doing to the larger world. As a kid, I collected aluminum cans (my hometown did not, and still has limited municipal recycling services) and, together with...

What am I Rewarding?

If I had a nickel for every behavior chart I started and every sticker I stuck to said chart, I’d be RICH! I've had them all, from a “Being Nice" chart, to a “Sleeping in Your Big Girl Bed” chart, a “Having Good Manners”...

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In + Around Fairfield County

Things to Do in New York City With Kids (Other Than...

New York City with kids can be fun! NYC boasts a bundle of fun indoor and outdoor activities for kids of all ages. Less...
Women shopping on a girls' day out.

Girls’ Day Out