Saving Time and Money in 2015

Looking at any Facebook feed shortly after January 1, one would notice a plethora of "resolutions." Everything from losing weight to running marathons; resolutions are often a big deal! As I looked back on 2014, two of the most...
Those who know me well know that big parties and crowds are not really my scene. I am much more comfortable in smaller settings; that I tend to need to recharge after a big activity or weekend of fun;...

The Top Diet Trend of 2015

Want to achieve or maintain a healthy weight in 2015 without restriction and deprivation? I’m not always a fan of what’s trending but all the talk about mindful eating has me excited!  How many times have you distractedly eaten...

How to Beat the Winter Blues

You can probably imagine that January is the most depressing month of the year, but have you ever heard about Blue Monday, January 19, 2015? Many people consider it to be the most depressing day of the whole year. Who knew!? I...
Is improving your child's sleep at the top of your resolution list for 2015? January is always an extra busy month for my practice - it seems that lots of parents resolve to make family sleep a priority in...
Do you want to enjoy the holidays and the special treats that come but once a year?  So how can you balance the, “I want to be healthy” with the, “You only live once and I like food?"  I’m sharing...
The holidays are stressful.  I know, statement of the obvious.  The hustle, the bustle, the expectations, the gift buying, the cooking, that pesky elf … even if you love any one of these things, at some point it can...

Your Holiday Table 3 Ways

It's the most stressful wonderful time of the year!  A whole season chock full of parties, entertaining opportunities, and endless sweets that begins and ends in a whirlwind.  But does the thought of holiday entertaining make you want to...
Now that the holidays are upon us there will be lots of festive cheer, frenzied holiday shopping, parties to attend along with opportunities for indulgence offered around the table as we mix it up with family and friends. Sound...

Holiday Makeup for Tired Moms

‘Tis the season for celebrating … and for sick kids. If you’re anything like me, you have a full plate this month, and a house full of on-and-off sickness. Chances are the nonstop madness is showing all over our...

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In + Around Fairfield County

A Guide to Beauty & Pampering in Fairfield County

We claim to know how important self-care is, yet we often neglect ourselves. Book that appointment! Go and get those highlights you've been wanting....
Women shopping on a girls' day out.

Girls’ Day Out