Today I Hid in the Bathroom


hid in bathroom

Today I hid in the bathroom.

It’s not easy to admit my weakness, but today was a doozy. Nothing all that awful happened…we have our health…blah, blah, blah. It could be worse. It could always be worse. But it was “one of those days.”

It was one of those days when we couldn’t really get outside because it was either pouring rain or about to. And when we did finally make it outside, my twins decided to bolt down the driveway and run down the street in opposite directions (thank goodness we live on a very quiet street).

It was one of those days when I couldn’t be in enough places at once when everyone needed something, and I didn’t have it all to give.

It was one of those days when someone needed to be held at every moment, where I couldn’t throw in a load of laundry, pay a bill, or write my blog post when I wanted to, even when the twins were asleep.

It was one of those days when my son had ice cream at 1 p.m. while we watched a show on a food channel instead of eating fruit or something healthy.

It was one of those days when my youngest two refused to let me help them with anything and when my oldest one wouldn’t do anything without my help.

It was one of those days when I desperately needed my husband to be done with work at five, so I could cook dinner, but corporate America doesn’t cater to people who have families.

It was one of those days when dinner consisted of pasta with sauce out of a jar.

It was one of those days when the girls squirted their green veggie pouches all over the table and screamed when I took them away.

It was one of those days when I might as well have not said a thing because no one listened to me anyway.

It was one of those days when everyone refused to change into their pajamas or go to bed.

It was one of those days when I yelled too much and cheered too little.

It was one of those days where everything was a problem that needed help from Mama.

It was one of those days when I ate my dinner by myself and then hid in the bathroom.

It could be worse. It could always be worse. But it doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to complain.

“Those days” happen, and tomorrow will be better.

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Charity is a newly-single mom of three with a son born in 2012 and identical twin daughters born in 2017. She lives in Monroe and has been writing for Fairfield County Mom since 2019. Charity is a full-time speech-language pathologist, working with patients all across the lifespan. She is also an intuitive medium. In her life before children, Charity was a professional stage manager, working in theatres throughout Fairfield County. Charity is passionate about her family, career, ballet (which she began at 39 years old!), musical theatre, and her amazingly-supportive friends as she begins a new chapter in her life. She firmly believes that you are never too old to stay stuck in a situation that is causing you pain. You can follow her on Instagram at @charityferris.



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