I have always had mixed feelings toward New Year’s Resolutions. While, in theory, the idea of setting new goals and starting fresh for the New Year is great, I feel there has always been so much pressure put on setting a goal for the year and sticking to it. It always had to be all or nothing!
I am here to admit I never actually stick to my resolutions!
I haven’t lost the 30 pounds, eliminated sugar from my diet, quit my Target addiction, or cooked every meal with no takeout. Resolutions feel too big and unattainable for me in the long term, and while the idea sounds great in late December, by mid-January, I am over it!
This year I am trying something a little different! I’m putting a twist on resolutions.
Instead of making some grand plan for my entire year that I will in no way stick to, I will set monthly habits that I hope to include in my daily life. At the end of each month, I will reflect on whether that habit positively impacted my life, and if so, I will keep it. If not, I will set it aside for another day. I will then come up with my new habit(s) for the following month.
I love having a to-do list and crossing things off when they are accomplished. I hope that having a small list of daily habits will keep me motivated to make these small changes, and if I hate them at the end of the month, I can move on! I will tape my monthly list to my bathroom mirror so I see it at the beginning and end of each day to keep these things at the forefront of my mind.
My January Habits:
1. No soda.
This pregnancy craving just stuck around this past year after giving birth. Dr. Pepper was my friend for those 37 weeks, and I still grab a cold one about once a week.
2. 10 minutes of intentional daily movement.
Most days, I hit more than 10,000 steps between work and mom-ing after school, but none of that movement is intentional. I will commit to 10 minutes of movement every day, weekends included! I am sure that 10 minutes will turn into more, but for those days when I just am not feeling it, I can do 10 minutes. I may walk around my neighborhood, jump on the Peloton, or head to the basement for some weights. Ten minutes of me-time every day!
3. Floss nightly.
I am embarrassed to admit I do not floss every day. (Dr. G, if you are reading this, I’m sorry!) I am more of the “floss for the week leading up to your cleaning appointment and hope it makes up for the last six months” kind of flosser. Once I do it, I realize how quick it is, so my goal is to do it every night before bed.
4. One date night.
Having three small children has shifted priorities over the last few years. The two things that have been put on the back burner are exercise and date night. We have many social activities each month, but they typically revolve around the kids or a group with friends. I will set a date for just the two of us to go out, eat delicious food someone else prepares, and have some time to chat and reconnect.
I am excited to see how I feel at the end of the month and which habits I will keep and kick to the curb. This twist on resolutions feels attainable to me and not overwhelming like resolutions often do.