My Friends Made Me a Runner


My friends made me run a 10k.

They coerced me into running sneakers, all the spandex my body could handle, my most supportive sports bra, and forced me to run!

Jokes aside, I actually did it! I ran a 10k, and I would not have without the relentless encouragement of my friends!

Back in the day, I was the quintessential sports nut. Soccer, basketball, baseball, softball—I even rode horses competitively. I was always moving and on the go, and my most used mode of transportation was roller blades or my 10-speed.

Through high school and college, I played sports competitively, and after college, I played in all the co-ed leagues I could. I played volleyball, dodgeball, kickball, and softball and was a frequent 5k runner. Before kids and “real” responsibilities, I could wake up after a night out with friends, run a 5k for some charity or a sponsored event, and head back to the bar for a post-workout beer.

As someone who is a week away from my 40s, life is completely different! My athletic ability has taken a back seat to full-time work, three kids, all their activities, and years of life well lived. 

A few months ago, when a girlfriend mentioned wanting to get into running, I was intrigued. I always enjoyed running and loved the idea of being a runner again, but could I get back into it after so many years and so many changes to my body and my life?

Those first few runs were NOT pretty. My initial goal of running a whole mile without stopping was more difficult than I anticipated. But what made this all possible? I had backup. My girlfriends, fellow beginners, and expert runners were in it with me every step of the way! The constant motivation from my people got me out there, and that camaraderie made all the difference.

Wine League Running Club

One mile turned to two, and two turned to five. 

And my decade-plus hiatus from running turned into finishing a 10k!

I’m so damn proud of my body. It may look and feel different than it did 15 years ago. My pace may be (much) slower than 15 years ago, and my recovery time may be longer now, but the gratitude for accomplishing this goal is unmeasurable!

So here’s to my friends, the cheerleaders who pushed me through every mile! Here’s to my body for proving that age is just a number. And here’s to rediscovering the joy of running one mile at a time.


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