Stress relief and mood enhancement are two popular reasons to run. It’s good for your health too. Unfortunately, road running accidents are on the rise. I want to preface this by saying that women should never have to feel scared to run alone, and they should be able to run wherever or whenever they want. Below are six tips to make sure you are running safely.
1. Don’t use headphones.
Use your ears to be aware of your surroundings. Your ears may help you avoid dangers your eyes may miss during evening or early morning runs. If you run with music, keep the music low. I am always amazed at how much I can hear before I see.
2. Try and jog with others.
It’s always more fun to set up a run date. And an added bonus is that it gives you some accountability to keep working on your exercise goals.

3. Wear bright colors or a running vest with lights and reflectors.
Moms are known for being busy, and it’s not always possible to jog during the daylight, especially during the late fall and winter months when there is less daylight to work with. I often times try to squeeze a run into the day, but most days, there’s not enough time. My husband bought me a cool reflective running vest to jog with during off hours. A busy schedule shouldn’t have to get in the way of doing something you love.
4. Run against traffic.
This will allow you to see any oncoming danger and will allow you to make eye contact with the oncoming drivers. Bikers go with traffic, while walkers and runners should go against it. Also, run on sidewalks whenever you can.

5. Change up your routine.
Vary your running patterns. Mixing up your workout routine is also great for race training.
6. Check out one of these organizations for more information.
These organizations are doing great work on educating the running community about safety and standing up about violence against women.