Ages & Stages

Ages & Stages of Motherhood - Fairfield County Mom

In an ideal world, parenting through ages and stages would be a breeze, with a how-to guide for every scenario. But we know that’s not the case. Every child is unique, requiring special love, care, and nurturing. Without a parenting manual, what can you do? Fairfield County Mom is here to assist. With a diverse team of over 30 contributors hailing from various backgrounds and family structures, we bring experiences from all walks of life and parenthood. No matter what ages and stages of parenthood you are navigating, our moms from Fairfield County Mom have got your back.

Motherhood is an incredible journey, filled with challenges and beautiful moments. The excitement and mixed feelings of anticipation during pregnancy mark the beginning of this transformative experience. The newborn phase brings sleepless nights and countless diaper changes, but it also comes with the incomparable joy of witnessing your baby’s first smile. As your little one grows into a toddler, the journey shifts to managing tantrums, encouraging independence, and celebrating their first words and steps. The school years present a new set of challenges, balancing academics, activities, and social development. And finally, the teenage phase establishes their identity and boundaries, requiring open communication. Each stage of motherhood, though challenging, strengthens the unbreakable bond between mother and child.

We are here to assist you throughout all the different phases of motherhood providing resources to support you. Whether it’s guiding you towards solutions or simply offering companionship, we aim to make you feel less alone. Let us help you navigate through these stages with ease.

A toddler on an iPad.

In Defense of Technology

My husband and I are computer people. Scratch that. We’re tech people. We use a myriad of items for work, correspondence, music, sources of information, and for play. Why does this matter? Our daughter is likely going to be...
For the past month, almost every conversation in our household has centered on a graduation. What our youngest is wearing to her preschool moving on ceremony or what songs they’re singing at our oldest’s fifth grade moving up event. Our...
My child, Each life milestone evokes rejoice, For you, for me. Connected spirits. Every accomplishment highlights your growth, For time allows seeds to bloom into flowers. The heartaches and hard times provided us with water to propagate, For change is inevitable. Maturation requires light and dark. My...

To My Fiercest Child

To my fiercest child, You know who you are. You are the one who pushes buttons your father and I didn’t even know existed. You are the one who knows how to work EVERY system. You are ALL the forces...
I am turning 40 this month. There's this whole aura of hype surrounding turning 40, like it's the grand milestone that's supposed to shake up your existence completely. But honestly, when I stroll down memory lane through the last decade,...
To Our Preschool, Well, I guess this is it. My family has officially made it. At the end of this month, my youngest will walk out of your doors for the last time, and no sibling will replace her. Our...
I am sitting down to write this in the midst of an exhausted fog. Remember that fatigue from the newborn days, where you could feel the pressure of being tired behind your eyes and in a dull soreness at...
Now that my son is 18 months old, we’ve had our share of the classic milestones. The first time rolling over, first tooth, first step, first word – they’ve all been a big deal and special in their own...
My daughter was a biter. The phase lasted from shortly after her first birthday until she turned two. And just when I thought, after a few months free of biting, that we were in the clear, there was the...
Grandparents snuggling grandchildren on a couch.

Anticipated Grief

It’s a weird time of life, where suddenly, my social media feed has changed from engagement, wedding, and baby pictures to the news of someone’s older family member passing away. Where conversations with friends turn to worry about how...

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In + Around Fairfield County

Village Pediatrics is Growing and Welcoming New Patients!

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