20 Creative and Inexpensive Date Ideas


Fun and interactive dates are important for any relationship, but sometimes it’s difficult to think of something original to do. A good date doesn’t have to be overly complicated or expensive. It just needs to be intentional and both people should be willing to make the most of it regardless of it being their ideal activity or not.

20 Creative and Inexpensive Date Ideas
Image credit: Forty Seven Moments Photography

Here are 20 creative and inexpensive date ideas to help you build a stronger relationship with that important person in your life.

  1. Hit golf balls at a driving range
  2. Coffee at a bookstore – look through travel books and talk about dream destinations
  3. Cook a meal together
  4. Picnic on the beach
  5. Swing side by side on a swing set
  6. Learn something new together – i.e., dancing, pickleball, card game
  7. Watch the sunrise
  8. Hike to a waterfall
  9. Tour a local winery
  10. Create a TikTok together
  11. Mario Cart challenge
  12. DIY drive-in movie – including a small projector and movie screen
  13. Water balloon fight
  14. Hand wash cars together
  15. Fire pit with s’mores
  16. Fruit picking and bake a pie together
  17. Serve at a food pantry
  18. Visit an animal shelter or puppy store
  19. Sandcastle challenge on the beach
  20. DIY photoshoot together – with a simple tripod and remote trigger

May these 20 creative and inexpensive date ideas inspire you to create your own dates that you enjoy. The most important part of a date is letting the person you are with know they have your full attention and you are there for them. Prioritize putting your phone away, making eye contact, and engaging in meaningful conversation. Ask questions that will help you dig deeper to give you insight and help you get to know that person better.

Keep in mind fun and interactive date ideas aren’t limited to romantic relationships. They can be for a father and daughter, moms and sons, or adult children and parents. If you have someone in your life that is important to you and he or she is worth spending quality time with, then invite them on a date!


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