When Does Parenting Get Easier?


A mom getting frustrated with her daughter on her cell phone. At what point does parenting get easier? Is the answer never? Because I’m beginning to think that has to be it.

I remember when I had all three of my kids in daycare, and I would think, “This is temporary.” We won’t always be rushing out of the house, we won’t always be paying the equivalent of another mortgage payment for childcare, we won’t always be exhausted, we won’t always be stuck to a strict schedule, and eventually, we’ll sleep all night.

Sure, the baby and toddler years of having three kids in four years are a blur. While some things have gotten easier, many things have gotten harder, and nothing has gotten cheaper.

My kids are all so unique. They each have separate wants and needs and are interested in different things. Navigating the tween and teen years, puberty, friendships, monitoring the use of devices, and figuring out how much freedom is right are all new challenges that far exceed what I expected.

I think maybe I was tricked by parents with older children. I get that now because I probably trick people! We develop a higher tolerance as we grow into parenthood alongside our kids. Our patience levels increase, and we probably don’t worry as much. I am not phased by nearly as much.

I teach high school juniors and seniors, so I know there are more challenges to come—first heartbreaks, college, and making big decisions. Honestly, I cannot imagine it ever ending.

Being a mom to my three children is the greatest joy of my life. It is probably so hard because I care about how well I manage this job. I care so much about these humans beginning to navigate and experience the world independently. I’m learning that it will never get easier, and that is okay.


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