Easy Tips For Looking Better in Pictures


As a professional photographer, I’m continuously asked by my clients to help them look better in their photos. I often hear, “You can fix that in Photoshop, right?” While many things can be edited to clean up photographs, the key to looking better in pictures is best accomplished before the photo is even taken. 

look better in pictures with my family
Image Credit: Forty Seven Moments Photography

When at your next holiday party or family reunion, keep in mind these easy tips for looking better in pictures.

1. Reducing Double Chin

Touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth. This will help your jaw appear tighter. It’s important to smile freely rather than coming across stiff and uncomfortable, so use this as a suggestion and not always a rule when you need a quick chin lift.

Another easy tip for reducing a double chin is to use a bronzer to accentuate the jawline. Applying it beneath the chin is important as it draws the eye toward the jawline rather than the “bowl” area under the chin.

2. Slenderizing Figure

Think posture for this one. Stand or sit up straight with shoulders back. Turn your body slightly to the side rather than facing straight on. If sitting, cross your ankles and put your weight on your tiptoes. When standing, put your weight on the leg that is in front and have a slight bend in the knee that is behind. Bring your front shoulder back a touch to slightly open up your chest, and lean your torso forward a touch towards the camera. This will give your body that elegant s-curve and help your waist look smaller.

Keep in mind you don’t want to look like a British guard while being photographed. If you’re feeling tense or stiff, take a deep breath and slightly relax your shoulders.

Easy Tips For Looking Better in Pictures
Image Credit: Forty Seven Moments Photography

3. Flattering Arms

Instead of placing the hand directly on the hip, place it just below the hip bone, on top of the thigh. Give your elbow a slight bend and keep your fingers closed. This will give a much softer look that is more natural rather than a harsh bend in the elbow.

4. Hand Placement

Avoid throwing your arms around the other person’s shoulders or high on their back unless you’re grabbing a quick snapshot. Instead, turn your body slightly (think prom pose) and place your hand on the person you’re turning towards bicep or elbow. If that person is turned towards you, you can bring your arm down and place your hand on your thigh, as mentioned above. Your pocket is always great when you doubt where to place your hands.

How to look better in pictures

I hope these easy tips for looking better in pictures will give you the confidence you need when photographed with your children, dear friends, or simply by yourself!


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