Health & Wellness

Health and wellness Fairfield County Mom

When connecting with moms in Fairfield County and exploring what truly matters to their families, one thing becomes abundantly clear: health and well-being are absolutely vital. In a world filled with healthcare crises and an overwhelming amount of information, it’s easy to feel inundated and a bit lost.

At Fairfield County Mom, we’re all about delivering the latest info, valuable resources, and diverse perspectives that have a direct impact on your family’s well-being. We know moms have a million responsibilities, and searching for trustworthy info should be the least of their worries. We’ve got you covered!

From the importance of a therapist to understanding human design, and where to find a local pediatrician, to support for allergy moms– we’ve got your back. Fairfield County Mom covers a wide range of health and wellness topics, catering to every stage of life from pregnancy to birth, adolescence, and beyond.

It’s not just about doctors and medicine. As moms we understand the importance of self-care for busy moms who are trying to balance the needs of their children, family, and home. That’s why we’re here to assist! We have a guide on the best spa treatments in the Northeast, along with motivational tips for moms wanting to become runners. Our health and wellness resources offer valuable insights into the latest trends, services, and strategies for taking care of ourselves while caring for others.

Fairfield County Mom is dedicated to empowering busy moms in Fairfield County, providing you with convenient access to a wealth of health and wellness resources.

I am a busy mom, and I often forget to eat. I know that seems crazy, but I get so wrapped up in balancing my career, my children’s needs, and my household that I often put myself last. I...
A woman exercising while pregnant.

Fitness During Pregnancy

During my first pregnancy, I was extremely cautious about everything I did and didn't do...and I mean EVERYTHING. I took pregnancy limitations to the extreme. I gave up caffeine completely, switching from my beloved regular morning coffee to decaf....
A woman hugging herself.

Self-Care & Authenticity

As we work our way into summertime, which for many consists of more time with our children, less time at home, and the process of balancing it all. How can we be sure that we are continuing to practice...
Long before I became a mom, I babysat for my toddler niece. My sister had prepared a dinner of chicken, broccoli, and potato. As she left for the night, my sister said, “If she won’t eat her dinner, there’s...
Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week (MMH Week) takes place the first week of May. This year the theme of the Blue Dot Project 2022 campaign is Making Over Motherhood, and the campaign highlights the intersection of maternal mental health...
In honor of National DNA Day, I wanted to empower the women around me by asking the question: could you be carrying a cancer susceptibility gene?  Cancer genetics is a fairly new and ever-expanding discipline. One of the most well-known...
I suddenly became very ill at 25 years of age and just two months postpartum with my first child. Managing a colicky baby while my husband was out of the country on a work trip, the symptoms came out...
For the first time ever, Darien Wellness is offering adults (busy moms included!) reduced fee telehealth therapy sessions. I sat down to write a post announcing this new program, but as soon as I began to type, I was interrupted...
A woman running with a stroller on the beach.

Finding Time for Fitness

Motivation has never been an issue for me regarding fitness. I am one of those people who loves to workout. For me, it's not just about liking the way I look (although it is a bonus!). I love the...
One of the biggest surprises I had, when I was pregnant was how much people comment on your size and weight. As someone whose job is focused on helping people look and feel their best and improve their body...

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In + Around Fairfield County

A Guide to Beauty & Pampering in Fairfield County

We claim to know how important self-care is, yet we often neglect ourselves. Book that appointment! Go and get those highlights you've been wanting....
Women shopping on a girls' day out.

Girls’ Day Out