What the ruck? Last spring, rucking came on my radar, and I was intrigued. Rucking is a walk or hike with a weighted backpack over a certain distance. It is part of military training as well, with, of course, a lot of weight over long distances during training. I do a lot of walking during the week, so I became very interested when I saw the benefits.
The Benefits of Rucking
- It is accessible to those who can walk easily. To start, you need sneakers or boots, a backpack, and some weights for the backpack (you could even use cans of food). You can also try it with a weighted vest.
- It is a low-impact workout that will be easy on your joints.
- It can help improve muscle tone and bone density.
- It gets you outside, which can help relieve stress and anxiety.
- It can also be a social activity. You can search GORUCK for clubs nearby, find local Facebook groups, or start one yourself.
If you try it out and enjoy rucking, getting a proper rucksack that provides the best support for your back and core is probably worth it. You can find a variety of rucksacks with different price points on Amazon.
You also want to make sure you have the proper footwear. Boots should be waterproof and breathable. Merino wool socks are also recommended, as they offer some compression and avoid friction and blisters. Of course, you also need comfortable, breathable clothes that can walk a long distance. And the most important thing, as we all know, is hydration. Ensure you stay hydrated and have a good water bottle or hydration bladder for those longer rucks.
Rucking For Miles has many great suggestions for getting started, including a basic guide for the distance you should go for and how much weight you should use. This will help you get started safely. Other safety tips to help you set up for success are to stretch before and after your ruck, use proper posture, and always choose safe and well-lit routes. Also, listen to your body and rest or adjust your weights as necessary.
Rucking is a great outdoor activity with so many benefits! It’s also great to challenge yourself, set goals, and have fun with friends while getting all those other health benefits!