Protecting My Peace


A woman drinking coffee. I have always been an easygoing person. I have also always been an easy person to walk all over. I think the two may go hand in hand.

In a few short months, I will turn 40. Recently, I have been thinking about how many things in my life I have done because I felt I had to for other people. So many times, I have protected the peace of others while sacrificing my own.

This past year was a challenging year for my family. Only a few people fully understand what we went through and the toll it took on us. I’ve learned that I need to make more time for peace.

Here is how I plan to protect my peace. 

  1. If I don’t want to, I’m not going to. Plain and simple.
  2. I am going to plan out my weeks in advance. Being prepared will bring peace of mind.
  3. I am going to spend time with people who fill my cup. As a full adult, why would I do anything else?
  4. I’m going to take my time for myself. Whether this means reading, going for walks, or simply watching TV, I won’t sacrifice my time anymore.
  5. I am going to stand up for myself. The few times I have done this, my situation has improved significantly.
  6. My nuclear family will always come first. The needs and wants of those in my home will supersede everything else.
  7. I will rest.

When I was in my early thirties, probably struggling through something, a coworker told me there is beauty and joy in getting older. I have always looked forward to turning 40. I can start by focusing on protecting my peace.


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